Freedomes News2025-02-10T11:49:16+01:00Zend_Feed_Writerhttp://freedomes.plFreemanfreeman@freedomes.comhttp://freedomes.pl2011-12-12T17:33:31+01:002012-07-09T11:56:53+02:00ńczyliśmy trwającą od kwietnia do września trasę Testuj Fiata
po 25 lokalizacjach w Polsce! Celem akcji było uzupełnienie zasięgu
sieci sprzedaży poprzez dotarcie z ofertą handlową do mieszkańców
tych rejonów kraju, gdzie obecność salonów Grupy Fiat jest
ograniczona. Wielu Polaków z sentymentem wspomina swoje pierwsze
podróże na wczasy odbywane samochodami marki Fiat, z równym
sentymentem będziemy wspominać podróż po dwudziestu-pięciu
lokalizacjach w całej Polsce, którą wraz z samochodami marki Fiat
odbyły nasze konstrukcje, nasze ekipy montażowe i w pewnym stopniu
wszystkie osoby w biurze mające swój udział w tym projekcie.
“Władysławowo, Złotoryja, Gajewniki, Augustów czy Kołobrzeg to
tylko parę miejscowości, które przychodzi mi w tej chwili do
głowy.” - mówi Patrycja Palma, odpowiedzialna za realizacje tego
projektu po stronie Freedomes. “To było jedno z ciekawszych wyzwań
mojej dotychczasowej kariery, szczególnie pod względem zaplanowania
logistyki eventu organizowanego z takim rozmachem. Nie bez
znaczenia jest tutaj fakt, że współpraca z klientem układała się
naprawdę dobrze i niewątpliwie widoczne było to przy osiągniętym
efekcie.” Biorąc pod uwagę sukces całego przedsięwzięcia, pochwały
ze strony klienta i dodatkowo satysfakcję jaką można niewątpliwie
odczuwać po sprostaniu takiemu zadaniu, mamy zdecydowanie nadzieje,
że w przyszłości podbijemy ilość eventów w jednym cyklu,
przynajmniej do okrągłej 50-tki. Zobacz opis realizacji i galerię
zdjęć z cyklu imprez "Testuj Fiata'2012-02-16T22:31:44+01:002012-07-09T11:56:52+02:00 nadchodzi - nie przegap prezentacji naszych
najnowszych produktów na targach Showman's Show w Anglii. Showman’s
Show to niewątpliwie jedne z największych w Europie targów branży
konstrukcji tymczasowych i eventowych. Organizowane od 1984 roku i
rok rocznie przyciągające tysiące otwiedzających w dużym stopniu
stały się barometrem określającym trendy panujące w branży a także
okazją do spotkania się dla największych i najbardziej istotnych
firm na rynku. W związku z tym, mamy przyjemność zaprosić
wszystkich zainteresowanych do naszego stoiska, które znajduje się
w alejce A przy numerze 112. Jesteśmy jednak przekonani, że trudno
będzie przegapić kompleks składający się z pięciu rożnych namiotów
sferycznych, w tym debiutującej w naszej ofercie konstrukcji
OpenDome. Z właściwą sobie skromnością, mamy również nadzieję, że
tak jak podczas naszego ubiegłorocznego debiutu na targach, w
wielkim stylu, znów zagarniemy pierwszą nagrodę w kategorii
najlepszej ekspozycji targów. Do zobaczenia w Newbury!2012-02-16T22:58:45+01:002012-07-09T11:56:52+02:00 Rimini to największe targi branży eventowej we Włoszech. Dwa
dni i kilka tysięcy odwiedzających, którzy przewinęli się na
doprawdy imponujących stu tysiącach metrów, które ma do swojej
dyspozycji Rimini Fiera, szczególnie biorąc pod uwagę alternatywę
dla targów jaką stanowiła słoneczna włoska plaża, naprawdę robiło
wrażenie. Choć w niewątpliwie mniejszym stopniu niż ustawiony na
samym wejściu do centrum konferencyjnego, namiot kulisty Freedome
F75 firmy Freedomes. Każdy z uczestników targów (czy to wystawca
czy zwiedzający), w drodze do wnętrza musiał minąć nasz namiot
sferyczny. Zachęceni widokiem jaki stanowi nasza innowacyjna
struktura, postanawiali zaglądnąć do środka, tym samym sprawiając,
że nasz namiot kulisty niemalże nigdy nie świecił pustkami. Choć
niestety język Włoski jest kolejnym na naszej długiej liście
języków do opanowania, uniwersalny język gestów i podziwu
malującego się na twarzach, wystarczył nam zupełnie jako recenzja z
naszego pobytu na targach. BTC Rimini - LA FIERA DEGLI EVENTI!2012-02-16T23:50:15+01:002012-07-09T11:56:53+02:00Życzenia Świąteczne dla Freedomes wysyłamy już pod inny adres.
Chociaż w tajemnicy pracujemy nad naszym własnym “Projektem Eden,”
w którym udało by się pomieścić wszystkie gałęzie działalności
Freedomes, póki co, freedomes’owe Cupertino, zmieniło adres i
mieści się obecnie przy ul. Targ Rybny 1 w Szczecinie. Nasz
prywatny Freedome-plex, to dwu-piętrowe biuro w jednej z
najurokliwszych dzielnic centrum Szczecina - Starym Mieście - skąd
kierujemy działalnością naszej marki na całym świecie (biura w UK,
Włoszech czy Zjednoczonych Emiratach Arabskich, często goszczą u
Nas za pośrednictwem internetu). Choć trzymanie tak wielu
kreatywnych umysłów w jednym miejscu jest posunięciem dość
ryzykownym, burze mozgów zdarzają się dość regularnie, w chwilii
obecnej wszystkie osoby, które najcześciej można usłyszeć po
drugiej stronie telefonu lub po drugiej stronie mail'a, rezydują
wspólnie pod jednym dachem. Zapraszamy serdecznie! Zapewniamy kawę,
herbatę i nieograniczone możliwości jeśli chodzi o ofertę namiotów
sferycznych i wszystkiego co łączy się z konceptem kopuł
geodezyjnych.2012-02-16T23:53:15+01:002012-07-09T11:56:53+02:00 "piąta po południu" nabrała zupełnie nowego znaczenia w
firmie Freedomes, i chociaż w dalszym ciągu pozostajemy do
dyspozycji nawet w godzinach wieczornych, ilość spożywanej w naszym
biurze herbaty zdecydowanie wzrosła. Nasza obecność w Zjednoczonym
Królestwie to zupełnie nic nowego, jedne z pierwszych projektów w
historii działalności naszej firmy były realizowane właśnie tam,
otwarcie naszego przedstawicielstwa na Wyspach Brytyjskich to po
prostu formalizacja tego długoletniego związku. Freedomes UK to
świetnie wyposażony magazyn, kadra, która ma za sobą pracę nad
nawet najbardziej rozbudowanymi i skomplikowanymi projektami, a
także wysoka jakość zarówno produktów jak i usług, do których
zdążyliśmy już przyzwyczaić wszystkich naszych klientów. Wszystko
doprawione oczywiście szczyptą brytyjskiej powagi i elegancji.
Niezależnie czy chodzi o klientów z UK, czy też o klientów z
Polski, którzy z różnych względów znaleźli się w sytuacji gdzie
organizują event właśnie w tamtych rejonach świata, zespół
Freedomes UK dołoży wszelkich starań aby całość zakończyła się
niekwestionowanym sukcesem. Nie wspominając oczywiście o
oszczednościach na kosztach logistycznych. Feel free to contact
Freedomes UK!2012-02-16T23:54:55+01:002012-07-09T11:56:52+02:00ąc pod uwagę jak bardzo niesamowitym i wyjątkowym miejscem na
świecie jest Dubaj - odwiedzając to miasto w odstępie zaledwie paru
tygodni, można zupełnie nie poznać ulic, które widziało się
wcześniej - fakt, że firma Freedomes zadomowiła się tam już na
dobre, nie powinien dziwić absolutnie nikogo. Trudno opisać to
miejsce w zaledwie kilku słowach ale "dynamiczne" i "nowoczesne" to
dwa przymiotniki, które najbardziej oddają charakter tego miasta.
Oczy całego świata co jakiś czas patrzą z niebywałym zdumieniem, na
kolejne nowatorskie i całkowicie pionierskie projekty, które nie
mogłyby powstać nigdzie indziej. Łącząc to z ogromnym
zainteresowaniem jakim cieszą się nasze struktury w tamtym rejonie,
otwarcie naszej filii w Dubaju było po prostu naturalną koleją
rzeczy. Nasze biuro i magazyn (operujące dla odmiany od niedzieli
do czwartku), stają na wyżynach swoich możliwości żeby sprostać
wszystkim górnolotnym wizją jakie potrafią snuć tylko klienci z
tych okolic globu. Terminarz Freedomes Dubai zapełnia się więc dość
szybko, a na dowód tego zapraszamy do oglądania galerii i
videorelacji z jednego z ciekawszych eventów w naszej
dotychczasowej karierze.2012-02-20T14:11:08+01:002012-07-09T11:56:52+02:00 od zawsze było otwarte na sugestie czy też na nowe
wyzwania dotyczące finezyjnych wariacji na temat kopuł
geodezyjnych, teraz mamy dowód, że to nasze otwarcie to nie tylko
puste przechwałki - mamy przyjemność przedstawić wszystkim
najnowszego członka rodziny konstrukcji Freedomes - scenę OPEN
DOME! Wyjątkowe i niepowtarzalne rozwiązanie - klasyczny ształt
naszych namiotów sferycznych i scena - połączone w jedno. Dwie
absolutnie niezastąpione struktury eventowe dostępne za jednym
zamachem! Nasza innowacyjność wkracza w wyższe sfery - podwyższona
scena sferyczna jest obecnie jedynym takim rozwiązaniem na rynku.
Po więcej informacji i szczegóły techniczne zapraszamy na strony
naszych produktów!2012-07-09T10:33:48+02:002012-07-09T11:56:52+02:00 of course Freedomes is along for the ride! The Renault Z.E. UK
Tour is coming to Manchester this week and, as usual, Freedomes
event domes serve as their "venue within a venue". This time we are
coming to Manchester and the Lowry Museum - the Renault Z.E. tour
is positioned on the Lowry Plaza outside the Lower Art Gallery with
Twizy, Fluence Z.E. and Kangoo Van Z.E. all available for a test
drive. (if you want to book a spot for the test drive - visit The
Tour Website.) The Freedomes event domes are set up in a
magnificent waterside location at the heart of the redeveloped
Salford Quays in Greater Manchester. The Lowry houses two main
theatres and studio space for performing arts, presenting a full
range of drama, opera, ballet, dance, musicals, children's shows,
popular music, jazz, folk and comedy and gallery spaces showing the
works of LS Lowry alongside contemporary exhibitions. If you are in
Manchester, do not forget to see us!2012-07-09T11:38:30+02:002012-07-09T11:56:52+02:00 though the EURO 2012 took place in Poland and Ukraine, somehow
we found ourselves setting up structures all over Europe, visiting
such amazing capitals as Paris, Madrid, Moscow or Berlin. Keep an
eye out for all the write-ups about our projects (coming soon) and
all the pictures and videos that are bound to follow! Now that the
EURO 2012 is behind us - our work is just starting - now we have to
bring our structures back from all over the continent, thank you
for supporting your teams with us! Time to get ready for the
Olympic Games!2012-07-09T12:04:02+02:002012-07-09T12:51:26+02:00 you are a huge music fan, there is no chance the beginning of
July is not already marked red in your calendar. The Heineken
Open'er festival is about to start yet again and - as a small
reward for all the hard work on EURO 2012 - Freedomes are also
going to be there. We have paired up with Samsung and, for the
whole festival period, the Freedome 50 became the ECO Bubble Zone -
offering all the festival goers an opportunity to wash their
clothes - something you cannot put a price tag on, especially at a
festival like this. So if you are heading to Kosakowo this week,
see you in the crowd!2012-07-10T15:58:31+02:002012-07-10T15:58:31+02:00 already impressive Renault Z.E. Tour picked up momentum last
week as David Guetta joined in and did what he does best - got
people to dance. Although, at first, dancing might seem a little
bit unrelated to the brand new line of electric cars offered by the
brand but in reality the relation between the two is what makes the
electric car line so impressive. The dancing part was taking place
at a special kind of floor, which converted the people's movement
into electricity, which in turn powered a static Twizy located on
the stage. We have to admit, we are now also looking into
possibilities of incorporating the floor into our domes. Lighting
charged by the traffic in the dome itself ? Watch out for updates
when it comes to the features available in our domes ! Watch out
for the write-up and photo coverage of the event coming soon to our
website. In the meantime you can get some more information about
the event at autoevolution's website.2012-11-23T12:26:07+01:002012-11-23T12:26:07+01:00 into consideration how many times our domes have been
compared to igloos, the fact that they have become part of the
spectacular Ice Festival at the Liverpool ONE shopping centre
should come as no surprise. From the 7th of November till the 13th
of January, visitors to Liverpool ONE can enjoy a drink in the UK’s
first ever pop-up real Ice Bar (situated in on one of our event
domes) and experience the UK’s largest real Ice Slide (situated
over another one of our domes). What’s more, there will be a
fantastic outdoor Alpine Ice Rink, plus a stunning ice gallery with
crafted sculptures leading to Santa’s Grotto (no point explaining
where this one is situated at this point we assume). For more
information and tickets - check out Liverpool ONE's official
website.2013-08-02T13:46:19+02:002013-08-02T13:53:46+02:00 marks the first day of our assembly for the finals of the
Tall Ships Races 2013! Since we have our work cut out for us -
assembling 9 structures is no small feat - If you are around you
are more than welcome to come and see us in action (and also, check
out the opening of the new riverside boulevards). We will keep you
posted as our futuristic landscape rises on the picturesque
riverside of Szczecin. Have a look at our Facebook profile for more
info!2013-08-02T14:04:15+02:002013-08-02T14:04:15+02:00 promised, here is a little sneak peek of what is going on on the
riverbanks of the Odra river! Our crew is hard at work and raising
domes nearly as good as they raise their children - "They grow up
so fast." Check out the video below for proof that we have in fact
the fastest crew out there: The Freedomes Crew at TTSR 20132013-08-02T14:20:21+02:002013-08-02T14:20:21+02:00 the whole family together! It took us quite a few shots
before everybody was happy with the way they came out on the
picture (of course there was no way to prevent the litte ones from
running aroud - you know how kids are) but there it is. We give
you: The Freedome 300 with the little Freedome 30 in front of it,
Freedome 75, Freedome 110 and the little Freedome 50 right behind
it and one more Freedome 300. Family photo albums ? We think we
might be onto something here. Just wait and see!2013-08-02T14:32:54+02:002013-08-02T14:32:54+02:00 is on everyones lips today - we bring you the biggest
family album to date - take a picture and join us at: Post your photos on Facebook, Twitter or
Instagram with #TTSR2013 tag and help us create an interactive
souvenir from the Tall Ships Races. Let's show the world how
beautiful Szczecin is!2013-08-02T15:50:42+02:002013-08-02T15:50:42+02:00 weeks of preparations, days of hard work and countless hours
spent on polishing the details, the day has finally arrived and the
Tall Ships Races are upon us! As the first ships sail into the
Szczecin harbor and everyone gets ready for the upcoming
excitement, let us take a moment to sum up what the event actually
means to us. Having in mind our experience and extensive portfolio
when it comes to providing high quality event solutions, and the
fact that we are Szczecin through and through - born and raised -
we were chosen to provide a range of geodesic domes by the
organizers of this year's finals of the Tall Ships Races - a
spectacular event with a rich and half-a-century long tradition.
The first Tall Ships' race was held in 1956. It was a race of 20 of
the world's remaining large sailing ships organized by Bernard
Morgan, a London lawyer. The race was from Torquay, Devon to
Lisbon, and was meant to be a last farewell to the era of the great
sailing ships. Public interest was so intense, however, that race
organizers founded the Sail Training International association to
direct the planning of future events. Since then Tall Ships' Races
have occurred annually in various parts of the world, with millions
of spectators. Today, the race attracts more than a hundred ships,
among these some of the largest sailing ships in existence, like
the Portuguese Sagres For the purpose of the event, we have
provided nine structures set up throughout the event and packed to
the brim with different features such as AC, lighting, branding,
aluminum-glass doors, trussing, furnishings, high quality flooring
systems. Almost each and every single member of our classics range
has its representative at the event. Even though we always put in a
lot of effort into each and every event we do, setting our domes up
on home ground definitely strikes a different chord. Having said
that - we do take this event as personal as we can, that is why we
have created a special page dedicated solely to the finals of the
Tall Ships Races and with the added purpose of creating the biggest
family album from the whole experience. Click here and join us at
the Odra riverbank - SEE YOU THERE!2013-08-28T10:01:01+02:002013-08-29T12:27:54+02:00 the second time this year, Freedomes teamed up with the RPM
Agency, and along with Sky Rainforest Rescue, the WWF, and the
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, brought a rainforest experience in
a dome! The dome provides an insight into the amazing Amazon
Rainforest eco-system, representing the atmosphere of the Amazon
with green surroundings, plants and sounds of the rainforest,
whereas the bright and colourful panels explain the importance of
the rainforest and the threats that it is facing. Thanks to its
unique shape and design, the geodesic dome gives the largest volume
with the lowest use of materials, and is considered to be the most
ecological structure designed by man. The dome is open daily until
Sunday 8 September, free to all ages, with lots of activities that
are fun for kids. Visit the Rainforest Dome in Edinburgh and
discover what everyday items rainforests provide! • Come and watch
a variety of inspiring rainforest programmes • Have your photo
taken within our amazing rainforest experience • Write your own
rainforest pledge • Handle and feel real Amazonian rubber • Find
out what the Sky Rainforest Rescue campaign is doing to help
protect 1 billion trees in the Amazon2013-08-28T13:34:50+02:002013-09-02T14:19:36+02:00 so have we, at Dulux Colour Run UK 2013, also known as the
Happiest 5k on the Planet! London, Manchester, Belfast &
Brighton. The Color Run™ is a unique five-kilometre, un-timed race
in which thousands of participants are doused from head to toe in
different colours. The idea behind is quite simple. To celebrates
healthiness, happiness, individuality, and giving back to the
community. It's all about fun and positive energy. Just wear white
at the starting line, and finish plastered in colour! But don't go
home just yet, as the fun continues with a gigantic “Color
Festival” at the finish line! For those of you not quite exhausted
of strength and energy, we've put together a Dulux Colour Dome,
where you can get some truly epic photos taken while bouncing on a
trampoline!Remember: it's all for a good cause, since The Color Run
have partnered with Stand Up To Cancer to fund clinical trials,
bringing forward the day when all cancers will be cured!P.S. Don't
worry if you had missed the events in London, Manchester and
Belfast! You get one last chance to join the party on Saturday
Sept. 14, in Brighton. We'll see you there!Keep calm and Colour
Run!2013-09-02T15:24:33+02:002013-09-03T10:11:12+02:00 best films of the year, the most influential filmmakers, vital
topics. Gdynia Film Festival is one of the biggest film events in
Poland and the only one which promotes the Polish cinema on such a
large scale. It's here in Gdynia where newest Polish films compete
for the Golden Lions award since 1974!With the changing landscape
of European cinema the festival in Gdynia also plays a more
educational role: it teaches us the cinema, reminds the classics,
presents the films in the context of the achievements of various
artists in this part of Europe. Meeting in Gdynia is a great
occasion not only to attend screenings but also to have a
conversation.Should you visit Gdynia at this years' 38th edition of
the Festival, let us invite you over to our geo domes. The retro
chill-out domes organized by one of the main Festival Partners -
Lotto (Polish Ball Lottery) will be located at the Festival Village
just at the entrance to the Council of Europe Park. Please visit
the official website or Facebook for more info.2013-09-17T14:56:29+02:002013-09-17T14:56:29+02:00 Freedome structures hosting MTV’s Guy Code Honors at Petco
Park, along with 22 separate rooms in the Convention Center ready
to accommodate thousands of Comic Con enthusiasts! Anime, nighttime
films, games, the Comic-Con International Independent Film
Festival, and the annual Masquerade party. All these accompanied by
a set of special events are only a few attractions you will
experience at this year’s Comic Con. It’s high time to put on your
costume and get to the San Diego Convention Center! The event
starts Thursday, July 18 at 9:30 AM and ends Sunday, July 21 at
5:00 AM local time. Check out the event dome structures by
Freedomes and stay tuned for our exclusive updates, interviews,
photos, and broadcasts form Comic Con!2014-01-20T11:24:00+01:002014-01-20T17:58:31+01:00 ANNOUNCES THE FREECUBES! Utilized both as temporary and
permanent event solutions, the Freecube was inspired by simplicity,
functionality and our passion for architecture. It’s a brand new,
modular event structure, which based on a geometric idea of a cube,
can be easily adapted to match the event space available. A single
Freecube starts at 9m2 of flooring area with unlimited
possibilities for expansion in any direction. Combine structures
together to develop the event space with ease. Small footprint to
work with? No worries. Stack the cubes to gain extra space within
the same floor area, or create an open air terrace on the upper
level! Achieve a completely different, innovative atmosphere at
each installation. Increase flexibility with the use of
interchangeable side wall panels. Last-minute concept changes can
be implemented immediately & successfully. Freecube is a box
filled with features. Every single element of the Freecube can be
customized providing endless possibilities of finishing materials,
colours and interior design. Utilize them and enjoy a truly unique,
stunning event venue. The Freecube was designed with quick assembly
in mind. Heavy equipment is not required during assembly. The
elements are flat and stackable which allow the Freecube to ship
efficiently, maintain easily and are convenient to store.Available
for rent on the European & American Markets, including sales
worldwide, starting Spring 2014 Discover exciting possibilities of
the Freecubes. Order your brochure now. Free of charge!2014-01-20T11:54:07+01:002014-01-20T17:58:17+01:00 & FULL PROJECTION DOME - FREEDOMES IMPLEMENTS TWO TRULY
IMMERSIVE EVENT ENVIRONMENTS You can now create your own brand
realm with media development teams and make your solutions
accessible and specific to the client’s exact requirements.
Freedomes' Motion Dome and Full Projection Dome were designed in
cooperation with Holovis, a company pioneering immersive
projections and gaming technologies. Working in a joint venture we
have developed a group of portable solutions equipped with
real-time CGI media, the 360° visual immersion and motion
platforms, completed with custom game control systems. Allow
customers to interact and engage with your products and services on
a more personal level. Fulfill the human desire to touch, feel and
connect with surroundings. Simulate training on expensive or
dangerous equipment to prepare employees for the job while
eliminating risk. The projection structures are designed around
seated or standing audiences with projection surface wrapping all
the way around them from floor to ceiling. With no reference points
in conjunction with the highest resolution visual content the
audience will experience the ultimate immersive environment.
Surround HD audio and SFX systems along with encoder tracking
technology are in place to make this encounter as if you were
actually experiencing it in real time! Customizeble user interface
to replicate the look and feel of your product. From a gear shift
to a dashboard, we allow users to experience the thrill of your
brand. Customers will be drawn to the interactive media and leave
with a fond memory of their experience with your brand. Available
for rent on the European & American Markets, including sales
worldwide, starting Spring 2014 Get to know Freedomes Immersive
Solutions. Order your brochure now. Free of charge!2014-01-20T13:31:44+01:002014-01-20T17:57:57+01:00 you’re coming to Dortmund for Best of Events this week, you will
have an exclusive opportunity to see not only the classic Freedome
venue, but above all, to get to know and experience our two brand
new solutions developed by Freedomes to breathe new life into the
event industry and help you amaze and inspire your clients and
ARCHITECTS The Freecube is a fully modular event structure,
characterized by elegance, simplicity and flexibility. It is
designed to squeeze the most out of your event space, allowing you
to customize each and every of its components... [Read More] MOTION
Immersive Projection Solutions, represented by the enveloping
Motion Dome & Full Projection Dome take advantage of the newest
technology to help transport your customers into virtual reality
where they can get to know your services and interact with products
on a more personal level…[Read More] The exhibition takes place at
wholeheartedly encourage you to meet us at the A11 & A12
stands, located just in front of the main event hall. If you can’t
make it to Dortmund, order your Freecube & Motion Dome Brochure
now, Free of Charge!2015-10-05T10:36:13+02:002015-10-05T10:36:13+02:00 – World in a Sphere®, a leader in geodesic domes
production and temporary structures based in Poland, prepared a set
of futuristic structures for the latest American sci-fi thriller
"The Martian" by Ridley Scott. Movie from the director of "Alien"
and "Gladiator" hits theaters October 2. Spherical dome structures
used in the 20th Century Fox film were custom-made by Freedomes to
fit the storyline. The action of "The Martian" takes place on the
planet Mars, where Mark Watney (Matt Damon) is fighting for
survival after a failed space mission. Seriously injured, Damon’s
character regains consciousness after an intense sandstorm, which
resulted in his camp being destroyed, depriving Mark of air, food
and contact with his fellow crew members. Alone on the Red Planet,
millions of miles away from the Earth, he is left to his own
devices. The only chance to survive now is to live in a geodesic
structure and be self-sufficient by growing one’s own food. The
movie also stars Jessica Chastain, Jeff Daniels, Kristen Wiig and
Kate Mara. The script, based off the novel "The Martian" by Andy
Weir, was developed in close cooperation with the NASA. There is a
reason why geodesic domes are considered by space exploration
experts as structures that can serve humanity to colonize Mars. Due
to their great strength, reasonably low weight and compact size for
transport, they seem to be the ideal choice for creating human
bases on a distant planet. The production of structures and
assembly work carried out by Freedomes team on the movie set in
Jordan and the studio in Budapest coincided with the development of
their new products. The result of these are two new product lines:
F.Domes.Glamping and F.Domes.Grow which are now being launched onto
the market. Spherical structures used in the film act as a human
base on Mars in which the character lives, running his own
vegetable plantation. The above-mentioned F.Domes spherical tents
intended for self-assembly have similar applications, and
therefore, can serve as outdoor living pods and glamping (glamour
camping) accommodations (F.Domes.Glamping) or greenhouses with
home-grown organic vegetables and fruits (F.Domes.Grow). “Geodesic
structures are simply made for experiments, perfectly fitting into
the context of events and entertainment industry,” says Adam
Lyczakowski, Freedomes co-founder. “And since we like a little
challenge, we willingly signed up for such distant mission. A
continued interest from international clients and a multitude of
applications our products allow for are our everyday fuel.” – he
adds. Not without the help of Szczecin citizens, the company
received The Architizer A+ Award (otherwise called the ‘Oscars of
Architecture’) for their F.Domes product line in 2015. Time to grab
an Academy Award?2016-06-09T15:37:07+02:002016-06-09T15:37:07+02:00 ”Dome Village” is almost ready! On June 19, Heavens of
Copernicus planetarium in Warsaw will open 2 mobile planetariums
for Revolve IPS Conference Warsaw 2016 — the largest event bringing
together planetariums all over the world. Get immersed in a
breathtaking 360° space of a geodesic dome with full dome immersive
projections displayed on a huge screen surrounding the audience
from all sides! It’s not every day that such prestigious event
takes place in Poland. International Planetarium Society conference
is organized every two years, connecting 700 members from 35
countries. It is attended by the elite of the planetarium world,
including directors of institutions, scientists, designers,
screenwriters and technicians representing the planetariums and
spherical projections. This time it is the Copernicus Science
Centre that has made the host. Our team assembled 2 spherical
structures with floor space totalling 600 m2. One of the geodesic
domes is a white Freedome 300 with a base area of 300 m2. It is
equipped with Premium Flooring system and custom projection liner
for best viewing experience. We do hope fans of the latest
technology and astronomy will love it!Register here: